Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Unformalize Inheritance Paper

Its been awhile since my family had any discourse with that relative, no doubt that our relationship was not close since the death of my grandparent. Dispute takes place, misunderstanding filled the bond, the controversial never leaves amongst the 3rd and 4th sibling of my grandparent, the gap keep expanding, peace never come. Yesterday night I got a call from my mum, we had an hour conversation. From the conversation, I get to know that my mum was requested by my uncle to sign an approval for the property to be vested on his hand, since the will wrote by my grandpa was not fully complied with the rules of formalities, which is the topic I just did for my equity and trust class. So as the alternative, the lawyer needs the sibling to approve before the property can be distributed amongst my uncle as the will are no longer valid. The eldest uncle was not in the position on favoring them due to some conflict existed, so I was wondering that whether any alternative approach for solving the issue without having the sign of the siblings. Could the will possibly be validated? Well this morning I've asked Mr. Harmanhinder(our equity lecture) pertaining this issue, and his explanation was alternative choice is not possible, as the law doesn't recognize the will, the only method to persuade the court was the approval through sign by the siblings. But from what my mother has told me, the eldest uncle had inform her that his wife's brother, who is a senior lawyer mention that the 2 uncle was still able to claim for the property without the sign, but the procedure would be tedious. The lawyer graduated from King's College London and had been in collar of being Agung's legal assistant, as an experienced lawyer, definitely he would have know. So I start a bit research on the particular subject, admitted that my level of knowledge was insufficient to attempt acquainted in this respective area of law, I was unable to get any material regarding the above matter. Law on will is regulated under The Distribution Act 1997 which made some amendment out of previous Distribution Act 1958. I couldn't get any relevant reference after the inquiring and searching. Suppose if we're currently in UK position, the 9 Will Act 1837 would be applied, then it would be easy to solve the matter, where fundamentally the will only abide by formalities to take effect. I'll be glad if the matter can be resolve earlier, and the tie could be untangle.

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